Practically all my views are controversial, probably because I come at a subject from an entirely different perspective. Instead of demanding or even asking to be respected by these entities that are only interested in commerce, we need to totally abandon them and start looking to each other to find alternatives. We must not use their systems as much as possible. We can avoid using hospitals and use instead practitioners that are not allopathic or doctors who are in private member associations. There may be the odd time hospitals are unavoidable such as grave injury due to an accident. As long as we remain dependent on these institutions, we will essentially be lassoing ourselves. We will get nowhere as they will only do worse, they are entrenched in commerce not people. So we will have to find alternatives if we want to keep our children or our lives. When more people start asking "how are we going to get out of this" is when we start moving. But thinking that we can "reclaim our right to make informed decisions for our families." means we are still invested in the system. It is only making this dystopia go longer.

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Denise, I don't think you would be considered controversial these days.... particularly on this page! Well said all around. If there is one thing Covid taught us, take our health into our own hands!

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Reinette I really appreciate your reassurance. I know you are very open-minded and that is what is needed now. I would love to present to you the template that I put together that would get us out of this mess. It's nothing complicated and everyone is able to do these things. But they will have far-reaching effects that would give us a boost of confidence to get us going.

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Yep. I discovered this shortly after my first-born was vax injured some 20 years ago. How could I ever trust a system that so blatantly injured my baby, then proceeded to deny the evidence and gaslight me? I homeschool(ed) my 3 kids, 2 are adults now. I have said a final farewell to the medical system 18 years ago. Unless a grave accident occurs, I'd rather crawl to Mexico before I would use the system in my home country (Kanada).

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Renate, I'm so very sorry to hear this. More and more parents are waking up to the medical betrayal. Think about how different our world would be if we didn't vaccinate children????

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The so-called Medical System was designed to kill....We come from "Nature." She, alone provides all that we have ever needed that is systematically being taken from all living beings by Man and his corrupt world that he has fabricated. The Earth Breathes Us alive through her electromagnetic Field as it interacts with our Mitochondria. SIMPLE! Man has invented Diseases to dupe us into taking their poisons and invasive procedures. As you stated Denise ward, only through an accident should we even contract with these Entities that care only to EXPERIMENT and make money from our suffering. I recommend all parents and non-parents to read Jacob Nordangård's books on Rockerfeller Medicine. EDUCATION is Key in order to be informed in making life enhancing choices....Step away from this Toxic System. Take responsibility for learning how to care for our bodies and those whom we love. "Nature" does the work, feed it right, pure water, rest, love and She takes care of the rest. Jacob Nordangård's BOOKS: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Rockefeller/66DaEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

JUST RELEASED: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Global_Coup_d_%C3%89tat/FeH9EAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PT7&printsec=frontcover

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Thanks for these link, Leticia!

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My Pleasure Reinette, Thank you for this Platform where freedom of speech reigns...

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Oct 16Liked by Reinette Senum

I completely agree.

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I completely agree. It beggars belief how many people still implicitly trust that system, but it is a big step to take personal responsibility for your health care choices, rather than hand your power over to an alleged expert. The discovery that they are not experts, and not on your side, will be the key for many folks to finally take that step, scary though it can be, because you are taking responsibility with the risk of getting it wrong. But at least it will be your choice, and not someone who wants a bounty for your demise, or for your extended reliance on pharmaceutical poisons.. One of the things we must teach our own and upcoming generations is at least the basics of nutrition, self care, first aid, plus energetic and natural medicine. And not to be afraid of death. There are FAR worse things...

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Handing our power over to others without doing some due diligence at least is very dangerous. Maybe that's what the jabs are about - people will be taking themselves out for not looking into things for themselves. And right, nutrition is woefully ignored in schools and the meals there and in hospitals is unbelieveably bad.

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YES. The due diligence is a tough call because we are socialised from birth to totally trust the allopathic medical system. Anyone who either has not had cause to go looking elsewhere or who lacks the ability to understand what they see and hear will likely not have had a clue that there was an alternative source of information. Then there is the problem of trying to work out who they can trust in among all the unknown voices, most of whom were forcibly shut down and demonised. And of course you have the nice smooth media and their news programs, that people have also trusted for years. And within which are embedded frequencies that subliminally and subaudibly get under people's guard and shut down any idea of not trusting the narrative. They were sitting ducks. 30 years ago I'd have been one of them. And yeah, nutrition - they don't teach that in medical school either. Deliberately.. That's why I have sympathy for folks who bought the narrative. They are getting sick and dying simply because they trusted the wrong people.. It really is heartbreaking.

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Oct 16Liked by Reinette Senum

This was a horrific account of the medical tyranny we are now facing as a result (I believe) of post-Covid.

Thank you Reinette for this interview.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16


The incredible site below will inform people of what hospitals are doing and how to protect yourself and your loved ones: https://ProtocolKills.com

1. Easy Hospital Document to fill out and Notarize

2. Videos & Full Instruction

I'm 67 and I have copies of my form in my Jeep, hanging on my refrigerator, and copies have been given to both of my brothers. Should I ever have to go to the hospital, my brother Rob has instructions to have a courier deliver my 'Patient Caregiver & Consent' document to the CEO of the hospital where all my wishes, what I will and will not consent to, are entered into the hospital medical data base! Once my info is in the hospital electronic records they will be sued if they go against anything written on my legal document! So, they tend to treat you like GOLD!

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Thanks for this. Gail did mention this in the interview! And good for you for being so organized around your health and caregiver consent.

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Oct 16Liked by Reinette Senum

I have to check this out. Thanks for the link.

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EXCELLENT! I am so happy you are covering this! Health Freedom Idaho has many cases they’ve brought into public view. Once people understand the secrecy of family court and no due process in CPS, they see just how corrupt the system is. The Baby Cyrus case was the most eye opening.


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The covid shots did what the anti-vax could not; convert millions to abandon shots of any kind!

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HOPE IS A MAMA WARRIOR. Hugs to her whole family. <3 I am grateful to her for sharing, and thank you for giving her voice a platform. So many of us need to hear this to be "prepared" for all possibilities. Love you ladies.

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I went thru something similar around 1991. I was visiting my parents and felt concerned about my 1 year old who had diarrhea, and we spent all day in urgent care, mostly waiting to see someone, and were sent to the nearby hospital's emergency room, in late afternoon when there was a staff change at urgent care. I won't go into it all here, but when at the end of an exhausting day I told the emergency room staff I was taking my nursing child back to my parent's to get some rest, and get a second opinion from a doctor at home, at which time they called the child abuse hotline on me. The police arrived at my parent's house telling me they would take my child back to the hospital against my consent and I could come if I wanted to, but either way, they were taking control. My son was doing well by that point and resting and calm, yet we were forced back to the hospital and a night of constant wakings, shots and tests. I was livid and the next morning finally they sent in a social worker. We got out later that day, but it was very much touch and go, and terrifying. I was a single parent of two children at the time, and had nothing left in me, with which to fight the system.

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FYI this was in New York State.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Sadly, this is also an issue for the elderly and anyone with no family.

And say no to HIPAA!!! It’s actually giving your consent to allow these institutions to share your information.

This wasn’t always the way it was. This is new since they socialized medicine in the 1980’s.

Joe Rogan had a Parmacist in and he explained what a scam insurance is:

Former Pharma Rep on Health Insurance Corruption and Pharmacies - YouTube


And this excerpt:

How they Take Advantage of the Elderly | Joe Rogan - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H_Vsj8Lt6to

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Insurance literally steals us of the funds that could otherwise be used to care for our health. It's such a scam!

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In 1996, hubby was dx’d with Stage 4 squamous cell cancer of the tonsil.

At that time, we had health insurance. Dana Farber said he needed a radical neck dissection, with extensive radiation and removal of all teeth, (prophylactically ya know; radiation would cx salivary glands to stop secreting saliva, cxing all teeth to rot, so we’ll just remove them before that happens…..).

We met with a victim of that procedure and my husband decided that would not be his choice; it was quite disfiguring. When we chose all natural modalities, insurance would not pay for any of them, but it would pay for the $265,000 neck dissection.

We hired a medical researcher, Pat McGrady of “Can Help”, who gave us an 11 page report of options specific to our diagnosis. Following our noses, we ended up doing IV Vit. C 3xs/ week for a year, Chinese herbals, sweat and infra red therapies, and today, 28 years later, Doug is thriving. When he visited the docs years later who had given him the terminal diagnosis, they took notes as he told them what he did.

It’s been over 20 years since we have had ‘insurance’. It will not pay for any of our preferences, and it forces most patients to acquiesce to receiving the ’standard procedure’ for any given diagnosis, even if they may not want it. Instead, we use what $ we would allot to insurance premiums, and pay for healthy living necessities, like massage, clean food, and any of a number of ‘alternative’ modalities.

True ‘health care’ is intentional self-care.

There is a grassroots phenomenon evolving around America- formerly licensed, and currently licensed docs, nurses, therapists of all kinds- are networking together to provide out -of -hospital, out -of -insurance company care for those who realize the hospitals are now potentially dangerous places, and hesitate to go there, but do have some health concerns. I spoke with a surgeon last year who told me, “I took out a fatty tumor at a ladies’ kitchen table because she needed it done, it was easy and she wanted to.”

The system of ‘health care’ run by the corporation of the United States, is archaic, pathetic and imploding. (Emergency intervention care is not in this category, usually, but those who go for regular doctor visits are the sickest people on earth, and they have been trained to go to those regular visits by an intergenerational programming that has elevated doctors to an almost god-like status; “the doctor says…..”.)

Never before have humans taken, and thought that it is healthy to take, so many ‘prescription’ chemicals into their bodies on a daily basis. The long term study in this area is happening before our eyes.

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beware the who pandemic treaty its not gone away in fact its coming back much sooner than we think for more information on the treaty check out the james roguski substack

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Yes! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and I address this here in a recent interview: https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/future-under-fire-dr-sherri-tenpennys

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I would like to give another aspect to this interpretation. The idea that the WHO or anyone can lord it over even one person, let alone populations is due to our accepting that we should be told what to do. It's due to our consent. Rather we should totally ignore the WHO and anyone including govenrment, who tries to push their views on us. I realize this will take a concerted effort and that is why we must start there and move to bring more people on to do this. We should be working towards peerhood not lordship. This needs to be kicked off because everyone is still talking about how to stay in the system, expecting "informed consent" from these criminals which they'll never do. We will be kept fighting on every front unless we don't get to the root of the problem, which is supremacy.

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Yup. Whatever we do, don't consent, ignore these bastards, and don't be dependent upon a system that is trying to enslave you!

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"Notices of Liability' are having effect on this level around the world.


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I just reposted on X and it doesnt have a picture show up.

thanks for talking about this.

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Of course.... sorry I needed to report on such a terrible set of criminal circumstances.

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Exceptional perspectives regarding the matter. This exemplifies the facts about what commercialized medicine and financial institutions or any corporation actually have Zero consumer protection liabilities. Especially after the plannedemic.

So very greatful that your guest and daughter had come out of the situation better than what apparently could have. What a story! The protocols - kill guest is extremely compitent and very insightful to the matter.

The CPS and APS are essentially a racket. The courts and attorneys are all in on the gravy train of exploiting the legally unprepared. Therefore your great advice to get things in order before any such tragic situations arise is paramount to the message you so graciously captured.

Very well done!

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The pharmaceutical industry is a blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity.

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Sick Frankenstein industry.

It's END draws nigh.

Adios, control system.

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I don’t think Hope mentioned how Autumn is doing now

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Not just children, and not just the USA.. Hospital staff in the UK are more and more frequently acting like prison guards, especially for people they have on their under-the-table DNR list, as well as children they want for their gender meat grinder, and worse. This is a planned strategy that crosses most, if not all Western countries. The legalisation of euthanasia is also part of it..

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I hate QUACKS! (aka FAKE doctors)

I am of the stance of 'BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR'. And I have said this, way more often, since the PLANNEDemic PsyOp. I now refer to 'hospitals' as DEATH CENTERS. And if this (the PLANNEDemic) was not a wake up call to LEARN to be your own doctor, I don't know what is. Except, having your child 'medically kidnapped'.

Which begs the question, WHY are 'parents' so inept when it comes to their child(rens) HEALTH??

Kids get the 'sniffles', and what do they do........they RUN to a QUACK! 'Parents' still believe that FEVERS are a BAD thing; they are NOT! And NOTHING (tylenol, ibuprofen, aspirin) should be given to ANYONE with a fever. There are so many REAL Doctors out there, that we can learn from (as I do). STAY THE HELL AWAY from QUACKS/DEATH CENTERS!!


Not too long ago, I watched The Dick Van Dyke Show (all episodes/seasons 1961-1966)......I try to watch TV shows that have minimal bullshit social engineering. But even the old shows have it; it's amazing to go back and SEE it. There were a few times that 'Richie' had a cold/fever......and it's portrayed as an almost 'end of the world' event. So, what does 'Laura' do??........CALLS THE DOCTOR! This is what the public has been trained (socially engineered) to do. BUT....there HAS TO be a point where the public, as supposed ADULTS, WAKES UP! WHY are people running to a QUACK every time their kid gets a bump/bruise/the sniffles?! Autumn's problem could have been fixed, at home, by 'consulting' (ie doing the research) the widely available info that is out there, provided by REAL doctors. AS SOON as your child is feeling unwell, start LOOKING FOR SOLUTIONS via REAL Doctors. The information IS out there! (and STOP USING GOOGLE as your search engine!! You won't find shit on a HIGHLY CENSORED platform!)


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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Thank you Autumn for sharing your story - I am so sorry your daughter had to go through all that suffering needlessly. I am a retired RN and twice I needed medical care and decided to treat myself because I was scared to death that the visit to the hospital would spiral out of control and that they would use my ATM card like their personal piggybank. I even treated my cat for the same reasons. Luckily, our medical condition stayed under control and we both recovered. Unfortunately, there are still too many people who just go along with the program never questioning a thing. Just recently I heard this doctor talk about the myth involving salt and lasix and I have been so brainwashed I didn't understand what he was talking about. Apparently your body needs "rock salt" and lasix instead holds the fluid in.

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