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From Care to Captivity: The Rise of Medical Kidnapping

Hope's harrowing story of her daughter Autumn's medical kidnapping reveals a shocking reality. Discover what every parent needs to know about safeguarding their children and themselves in hospitals.

In the shadowy corridors of our healthcare system, Hope’s story serves as a cautionary tale for every parent and grandparent in America. Medical kidnapping, once dismissed as outrageous exaggeration, has become an alarming reality in hospitals across the nation. Today, we pull back the privacy curtain on our nation’s hospitals and Child Protection Services (CPS), revealing a horrifying phenomenon, exposing a system that is supposed to heal but instead is tearing families apart throughout the country.


Imagine rushing your sick child to the hospital, desperate for help, only to find yourself thrust into a Kafkaesque nightmare where your parental rights are stripped away faster than you can say "second opinion." This isn't the plot of a dystopian novel - it's the lived experience of countless families, including Hope, whose daughter Autumn fell victim to this insidious practice.

What started as a simple case of childhood diarrhea spiraled into a harrowing ordeal involving misdiagnoses, overzealous treatments, and a callous disregard for parental concerns. As Hope recounts her daughter being turned into a "case study of the week," we're left wondering: when did our hospitals become more focused on experimenting than healing?

When did our hospitals focus more on profit and the evisceration of parental rights over healing and recovery?


While medical kidnapping isn't new, the Covid plandemic has provided fertile ground for its expansion. With heightened medical authority and reduced oversight, hospitals have found it easier than ever to override parental decisions under the guise of "protecting" children — just like we see around gender-bending with schools and for-profit butcher clinics. It's a bitter irony that institutions meant to safeguard our health have become potential threats to our families' integrity.


Medical kidnapping, known as “maltreatment referrals,” is believed to affect an estimated 3.6 million children in the United States. These children are forcibly removed from their parent's care and placed into the unforgiving foster care system. CPS often initiates removal practices within the hospital similar to what Hope experienced with her daughter.


Big Pharma's influence on this issue is significant and multifaceted. Pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in expanding their market for psychotropic drugs, particularly among children. By promoting broad diagnoses for conditions like ADHD and bipolar disorder or through medical kidnapping, they create a demand for their products. Once children enter the foster care system, they are more likely to be prescribed these medications, sometimes at rates up to 13 times higher than children in the general population.

The financial incentives for both the pharmaceutical industry and the foster care system are substantial. Foster care agencies receive funding based on the number of children in their care, while drug companies profit from increased prescriptions. This symbiotic relationship has clearly led to a cycle where children are unnecessarily removed from their homes, overmedicated, and kept in the system longer than necessary, all while generating profits for various stakeholders in the process.


Studies suggest that up to 35% of foster children are prescribed at least one psychotropic drug, which is about four times the rate (8%) of non-foster children.

There are approximately 400,000 children in foster care throughout the U.S. So this leads us to the staggering figure of roughly 140,000 children forced onto psych drugs for the profit of Big Pharma. That's more than the entire population of Syracuse, New York, or is about the same as filling Madison Square Garden in New York City seven times over.

Many of these young souls become lifelong customers — I’m sure entirely by design.


However, knowledge is power, which we're arming you with today. Joined by Hope and medical advocate Gail Macrae, we'll dissect this disturbing trend and equip you with the tools to protect your loved ones from falling prey to a system that sometimes seems more predator than protector.

Join us as we embark on a journey through the underbelly of modern healthcare - where "trauma-informed care" is just a catchphrase and your child could become the next "interesting case." It's time to shine a light on the dark corners of medical kidnapping and reclaim our right to make informed decisions for our families.

Remember, in this brave new world of medicine, vigilance isn't just a virtue - it's a necessity. Let's dive in and learn how to navigate these treacherous waters together.

And please share this with every parent and grandparent you know!


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