Kathleen I have limited energy, it seems like I am always nursing a yeast infection or something, I wonder if you could give me a link to where CAF talks about the television and entrainment? I'm typing this on my phone! looks like I have some work to do!
Kathleen I have limited energy, it seems like I am always nursing a yeast infection or something, I wonder if you could give me a link to where CAF talks about the television and entrainment? I'm typing this on my phone! looks like I have some work to do!
Our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual health is up to us. Develop your human super powers: intuition, empathy and imagination! For physical health and a healthy pituitary gland, which is your intuitive center, no MSG, (natural flavor is MSG) no fluoride, no aluminum (no soda etc in aluminum cans). Eat ALL organic, grass-fed, pastured (NOT pasturized!) no genetically-engineered food at all, (canola, corn, soy, sugar, wheat), . Get at least 30 minutes of sunshine on skin daily (pre 10 am). Do as much Earthing as possible, bare feet, (or leather shoes) or sit/connect to dirt, sand, cement, wood, trees, lake, pool. Keep phone in Airplane Mode except when you need to use it and listen for messages. Get hard-wired internet in your home, No WiFi, reduce exposure as much as possible. See page 4 of attached .pdf. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ed0007ce169954eea17b10b/t/649577193814cd44ad25bfe3/1687516953856/EMF+Points+of+Confusion+vs.+Fact.pdf
If you cannot use the hard wire (not available to me) use the turn off un plug router and TV at night technique, as I do. Also EMF sheilding clothing air gapped ear buds for phone or use speaker and don't hold close to your head. Head sets are useful where ever you can use them. Best possible is to disconnect as much as you can. Do NOT watch TV as it is mesmerizing and always peddling message even the films and TV shows
fwiw, since you mentioned wifi router, I just came across this yesterday. someone said listen at 9:40 and that's all I had time for, but there's a guy giving a talk saying that they have trained AI to use wifi signals to create a map of the interior of your home:
Listen 9:40 - AI can use wifi to map your house
Weather Modification - Caught Red Handed! SITREP 8.11.23
Excellent advice! Doing a lot of that! I didn't realize pituitary gland was your intuitive center, I'm pretty sure mine is out of order. Also apparently the sphenoid bone in your head can put pressure on the pituitary - so if you can find a good cranio-sacral therapist that can help.
have to tell you, , the alpha wave enchantment, haha entrainment, is real, I spent years with a cassette tape of binaural beats Alpha wave entrainment on my Walkman, because my brain didn't know how to be in that state, finally learned how to do it on its own! thank goodness there were no evil messages on that little tape!
it seems like a lot of us reading this stuff are pretty old! because it's like you have to be a retired person almost to be able to keep up with it! it's always scary to think that there are other people as old as us, like how do they even function!?
At this point I would say they were to herself, but within the heirarchy most likely to the Central Banks and the 'Intelligence' (Instigation) community. I stopped listening to her when I figured her out and noticed she just regurgitated the same material and omitted important things, plus her past associations and who she networks with are suspect.. Nothing she says is that revelatory.
Get a doc to prescribe as much Piracetam as you can afford (to keep for the future so you don't have to keep paying for scripts. It's a "nootropic" and a Dr. friend gave me the remains of a large bottle which I used to avoid UTIs. The last thing you want to do is take antibiotics because every time you do, they kill all the good critters in your gut that keep you healthy and happy!
I even managed to reverse my auto immune Hashimoto's by getting my gut critters (my microbiome) where they needed to be. We rise or fall based on which types of critters we feed in our gut - the ones that love sugar & send messages to your brain to eat ice cream or drink a soda, etc. Yes, the gut critters are the BOSS, so choose wisely which ones you feed and continue daily with probiotics like Raw yogurt from grass fed cows that don't have whatever enzyme that some folks are allergic to. (Go meet some farmers at your local Sat. Morning farmers market. That's what I did YEARS AGO!)
ALSO, develop a taste for kombucha tea...again, good critters. Even Walmart carries it. Drink about 2 ozs/ day. Eat lots of stuff that feeds those critters like the onion/ garlic family...if you start looking up 'gut bacteria' online you'll probably start getting email opportunities to sign up for various health docuseries. They're free to watch and I've benefitted tremendously over the last 10 yrs. Go sign up on Briteon.com and start listening to his various vids and you'll inevitably discover some other great content providers just by following Mike Adams. He built the site and is very brilliant... has a huge food lab and also speaks Chinese, is a musician who does voice-overs...really FUNNY!
He's also a great source of organic EVERYTHING from vitamins that've been tested to be free of glyphosate (which kills your good gut critters), to all sorts of organic survival foods (try locating that elsewhere!?!) You may wind up knowing more practical "how-tos" than your doc since they're not taught about natural remedies or the microbiome or anything that's useful on a daily basis. But they ARE really good if you need surgery. So by getting plugged in to one really good source, it'll lead to other good sources.... sorta' like when a smart person knows other smart people.
Here's another good source of info, especially if you find that stuff that works for other people doesn't work for you. For example, the onions and garlic can have negative effects on some people.
well, although I'm a fan of horse paste, I'm not sure about this one.
Lufenuron (Program┬о) is a chitin synthase inhibitor of the benzoylphenyl urea class.
The precise mechanism of action of lufenuron, a member of the benzoylphenylurea (BPU) class, is not known. However, while it does not directly inhibit chitin synthase, there is evidence that it inhibits the ╬│-S-GTP stimulated uptake of Ca2+ by chitin microfiber-containing excretory vesicles, disrupting vesicle fusion with the outer cell membrane and cuticle formation in exposed insects.
maybe it will serve scare me enough to nake me stop eating cookies...
no I have not, but will look it up now! also it sounds like saccharomyces boulardii might be one of those things I used to take and probably need to start again... thanks Frances.
Kathleen I have limited energy, it seems like I am always nursing a yeast infection or something, I wonder if you could give me a link to where CAF talks about the television and entrainment? I'm typing this on my phone! looks like I have some work to do!
Our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual health is up to us. Develop your human super powers: intuition, empathy and imagination! For physical health and a healthy pituitary gland, which is your intuitive center, no MSG, (natural flavor is MSG) no fluoride, no aluminum (no soda etc in aluminum cans). Eat ALL organic, grass-fed, pastured (NOT pasturized!) no genetically-engineered food at all, (canola, corn, soy, sugar, wheat), . Get at least 30 minutes of sunshine on skin daily (pre 10 am). Do as much Earthing as possible, bare feet, (or leather shoes) or sit/connect to dirt, sand, cement, wood, trees, lake, pool. Keep phone in Airplane Mode except when you need to use it and listen for messages. Get hard-wired internet in your home, No WiFi, reduce exposure as much as possible. See page 4 of attached .pdf. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ed0007ce169954eea17b10b/t/649577193814cd44ad25bfe3/1687516953856/EMF+Points+of+Confusion+vs.+Fact.pdf
If you cannot use the hard wire (not available to me) use the turn off un plug router and TV at night technique, as I do. Also EMF sheilding clothing air gapped ear buds for phone or use speaker and don't hold close to your head. Head sets are useful where ever you can use them. Best possible is to disconnect as much as you can. Do NOT watch TV as it is mesmerizing and always peddling message even the films and TV shows
fwiw, since you mentioned wifi router, I just came across this yesterday. someone said listen at 9:40 and that's all I had time for, but there's a guy giving a talk saying that they have trained AI to use wifi signals to create a map of the interior of your home:
Listen 9:40 - AI can use wifi to map your house
Weather Modification - Caught Red Handed! SITREP 8.11.23
I don't have wifi, and am low-tech, so I have no clue whether this is true.
Excellent advice! Doing a lot of that! I didn't realize pituitary gland was your intuitive center, I'm pretty sure mine is out of order. Also apparently the sphenoid bone in your head can put pressure on the pituitary - so if you can find a good cranio-sacral therapist that can help.
I have seen her discuss over many years and many interviews. but I did a quick search on her site (Solari.com) and found this.
ha! We all do. :-)
have to tell you, , the alpha wave enchantment, haha entrainment, is real, I spent years with a cassette tape of binaural beats Alpha wave entrainment on my Walkman, because my brain didn't know how to be in that state, finally learned how to do it on its own! thank goodness there were no evil messages on that little tape!
"on my Walkman"
damn, you must be as old as me ;)
it seems like a lot of us reading this stuff are pretty old! because it's like you have to be a retired person almost to be able to keep up with it! it's always scary to think that there are other people as old as us, like how do they even function!?
I still have a Walkman; the cassette part doesn't work but the radio AM/FM does.
Katherine Austin Fitts is GREAT!
She's a limited hangout. But a not so obvious one.
So, where are her loyalties?
At this point I would say they were to herself, but within the heirarchy most likely to the Central Banks and the 'Intelligence' (Instigation) community. I stopped listening to her when I figured her out and noticed she just regurgitated the same material and omitted important things, plus her past associations and who she networks with are suspect.. Nothing she says is that revelatory.
Rich men north of Richmond: and they don't think you know, but I know that you do!
thank you so much Kathleen!
Get a doc to prescribe as much Piracetam as you can afford (to keep for the future so you don't have to keep paying for scripts. It's a "nootropic" and a Dr. friend gave me the remains of a large bottle which I used to avoid UTIs. The last thing you want to do is take antibiotics because every time you do, they kill all the good critters in your gut that keep you healthy and happy!
I even managed to reverse my auto immune Hashimoto's by getting my gut critters (my microbiome) where they needed to be. We rise or fall based on which types of critters we feed in our gut - the ones that love sugar & send messages to your brain to eat ice cream or drink a soda, etc. Yes, the gut critters are the BOSS, so choose wisely which ones you feed and continue daily with probiotics like Raw yogurt from grass fed cows that don't have whatever enzyme that some folks are allergic to. (Go meet some farmers at your local Sat. Morning farmers market. That's what I did YEARS AGO!)
ALSO, develop a taste for kombucha tea...again, good critters. Even Walmart carries it. Drink about 2 ozs/ day. Eat lots of stuff that feeds those critters like the onion/ garlic family...if you start looking up 'gut bacteria' online you'll probably start getting email opportunities to sign up for various health docuseries. They're free to watch and I've benefitted tremendously over the last 10 yrs. Go sign up on Briteon.com and start listening to his various vids and you'll inevitably discover some other great content providers just by following Mike Adams. He built the site and is very brilliant... has a huge food lab and also speaks Chinese, is a musician who does voice-overs...really FUNNY!
He's also a great source of organic EVERYTHING from vitamins that've been tested to be free of glyphosate (which kills your good gut critters), to all sorts of organic survival foods (try locating that elsewhere!?!) You may wind up knowing more practical "how-tos" than your doc since they're not taught about natural remedies or the microbiome or anything that's useful on a daily basis. But they ARE really good if you need surgery. So by getting plugged in to one really good source, it'll lead to other good sources.... sorta' like when a smart person knows other smart people.
Good luck!
Here's another good source of info, especially if you find that stuff that works for other people doesn't work for you. For example, the onions and garlic can have negative effects on some people.
Have you heard of Lufenuron as a treatment for fungal infections,
well, although I'm a fan of horse paste, I'm not sure about this one.
Lufenuron (Program┬о) is a chitin synthase inhibitor of the benzoylphenyl urea class.
The precise mechanism of action of lufenuron, a member of the benzoylphenylurea (BPU) class, is not known. However, while it does not directly inhibit chitin synthase, there is evidence that it inhibits the ╬│-S-GTP stimulated uptake of Ca2+ by chitin microfiber-containing excretory vesicles, disrupting vesicle fusion with the outer cell membrane and cuticle formation in exposed insects.
maybe it will serve scare me enough to nake me stop eating cookies...
no I have not, but will look it up now! also it sounds like saccharomyces boulardii might be one of those things I used to take and probably need to start again... thanks Frances.
I've read that it is used as part of a candida protocol breaking down the cell walls of candida.
thanks Frances! very interesting, even if I don't take it it's good to know about!