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So true. I'm done.

I made this on the fly for my own documentation on the night of Aug 10th. I KNEW it was intentional. I have NO patience for the lies, anymore. Grateful for Reinette for maintaining composure and delivering a balanced and thoughtful report EVERY time. I react from my gut. I knew instantly that this was intentional, and likely to be used to extend emergency funding, increase surveillance (like Cali's wildfire cameras and AI partnership), increase drone surveillance for "climate" monitoring (nope), and to keep the people afraid and desperate. Of course, while also offering up the destroyed real estate to the highest greedy bidder. :( :( My initial reaction is anger, but I am also sad. Horrified. I wish more ppl would SEE the betrayal and the suffering that is INTENTIONAL. Do not stand for it! Notice patterns...see the lies. Research before you donate. Listen to victims. Call out the perpetrators. Defend your home, support your neighbors. Stand up to the corporate takeover and push for smart cities. https://www.bitchute.com/video/p9GNvdAQSOE1/

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Its good to know there are those out there who still are connected soundly to their bodies and can register "I know". I have that ability still, though was shocked to realize over the last few years how many do not. CAF has talked about the advances in entrainment (a more tech based mind-control) and how just watching the TV, they an hijack your internal 'gut' so that you feel what you are hearing comes with that sense 'gut' sense of truth. Yes, diabolical but also explains the persistence of the covid spell. Seriously, turn off the news. (Don't watch for over 13 years now)

All your reactions are human. Congratulations. No small thing to retain it through this last-gasps attempt at control.

I don't think their insane plan works in the end - they fall apart (are as we speak, becoming sloppy and obvious) but oh, my the damage on their way out.)

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Kathleen you are making me think! I haven't had a TV in I can't remember how long, didn't have one during 9/11. so it looks like the most important thing we can do is get everyone to stop watching TV? because we are all wondering what's wrong with these people who can't see the obvious, and it looks like you have hit the nail on the head...

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It would be an excellent start!! Of course screens have become ubiquitous so smart phones need to go too. (Got rid of mine) Or at least use carefully (CAF says hers never comes in house!) I think there is more to it too, but that's a big piece and something we can all take action on. The love affair many have with their phones, is also quite telling. What is THAT about? Elena Friedmen has done some interesting interviews on the EMF piece, and what comes through those phones.

Walk away from the program!!

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Kathleen I have limited energy, it seems like I am always nursing a yeast infection or something, I wonder if you could give me a link to where CAF talks about the television and entrainment? I'm typing this on my phone! looks like I have some work to do!

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Our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual health is up to us. Develop your human super powers: intuition, empathy and imagination! For physical health and a healthy pituitary gland, which is your intuitive center, no MSG, (natural flavor is MSG) no fluoride, no aluminum (no soda etc in aluminum cans). Eat ALL organic, grass-fed, pastured (NOT pasturized!) no genetically-engineered food at all, (canola, corn, soy, sugar, wheat), . Get at least 30 minutes of sunshine on skin daily (pre 10 am). Do as much Earthing as possible, bare feet, (or leather shoes) or sit/connect to dirt, sand, cement, wood, trees, lake, pool. Keep phone in Airplane Mode except when you need to use it and listen for messages. Get hard-wired internet in your home, No WiFi, reduce exposure as much as possible. See page 4 of attached .pdf. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ed0007ce169954eea17b10b/t/649577193814cd44ad25bfe3/1687516953856/EMF+Points+of+Confusion+vs.+Fact.pdf

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If you cannot use the hard wire (not available to me) use the turn off un plug router and TV at night technique, as I do. Also EMF sheilding clothing air gapped ear buds for phone or use speaker and don't hold close to your head. Head sets are useful where ever you can use them. Best possible is to disconnect as much as you can. Do NOT watch TV as it is mesmerizing and always peddling message even the films and TV shows

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fwiw, since you mentioned wifi router, I just came across this yesterday. someone said listen at 9:40 and that's all I had time for, but there's a guy giving a talk saying that they have trained AI to use wifi signals to create a map of the interior of your home:

Listen 9:40 - AI can use wifi to map your house

Weather Modification - Caught Red Handed! SITREP 8.11.23


I don't have wifi, and am low-tech, so I have no clue whether this is true.

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Excellent advice! Doing a lot of that! I didn't realize pituitary gland was your intuitive center, I'm pretty sure mine is out of order. Also apparently the sphenoid bone in your head can put pressure on the pituitary - so if you can find a good cranio-sacral therapist that can help.

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I have seen her discuss over many years and many interviews. but I did a quick search on her site (Solari.com) and found this.


ha! We all do. :-)

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have to tell you, , the alpha wave enchantment, haha entrainment, is real, I spent years with a cassette tape of binaural beats Alpha wave entrainment on my Walkman, because my brain didn't know how to be in that state, finally learned how to do it on its own! thank goodness there were no evil messages on that little tape!

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"on my Walkman"

damn, you must be as old as me ;)

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it seems like a lot of us reading this stuff are pretty old! because it's like you have to be a retired person almost to be able to keep up with it! it's always scary to think that there are other people as old as us, like how do they even function!?

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I still have a Walkman; the cassette part doesn't work but the radio AM/FM does.

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Katherine Austin Fitts is GREAT!

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She's a limited hangout. But a not so obvious one.

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So, where are her loyalties?

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At this point I would say they were to herself, but within the heirarchy most likely to the Central Banks and the 'Intelligence' (Instigation) community. I stopped listening to her when I figured her out and noticed she just regurgitated the same material and omitted important things, plus her past associations and who she networks with are suspect.. Nothing she says is that revelatory.

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Rich men north of Richmond: and they don't think you know, but I know that you do!

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thank you so much Kathleen!

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Get a doc to prescribe as much Piracetam as you can afford (to keep for the future so you don't have to keep paying for scripts. It's a "nootropic" and a Dr. friend gave me the remains of a large bottle which I used to avoid UTIs. The last thing you want to do is take antibiotics because every time you do, they kill all the good critters in your gut that keep you healthy and happy!

I even managed to reverse my auto immune Hashimoto's by getting my gut critters (my microbiome) where they needed to be. We rise or fall based on which types of critters we feed in our gut - the ones that love sugar & send messages to your brain to eat ice cream or drink a soda, etc. Yes, the gut critters are the BOSS, so choose wisely which ones you feed and continue daily with probiotics like Raw yogurt from grass fed cows that don't have whatever enzyme that some folks are allergic to. (Go meet some farmers at your local Sat. Morning farmers market. That's what I did YEARS AGO!)

ALSO, develop a taste for kombucha tea...again, good critters. Even Walmart carries it. Drink about 2 ozs/ day. Eat lots of stuff that feeds those critters like the onion/ garlic family...if you start looking up 'gut bacteria' online you'll probably start getting email opportunities to sign up for various health docuseries. They're free to watch and I've benefitted tremendously over the last 10 yrs. Go sign up on Briteon.com and start listening to his various vids and you'll inevitably discover some other great content providers just by following Mike Adams. He built the site and is very brilliant... has a huge food lab and also speaks Chinese, is a musician who does voice-overs...really FUNNY!

He's also a great source of organic EVERYTHING from vitamins that've been tested to be free of glyphosate (which kills your good gut critters), to all sorts of organic survival foods (try locating that elsewhere!?!) You may wind up knowing more practical "how-tos" than your doc since they're not taught about natural remedies or the microbiome or anything that's useful on a daily basis. But they ARE really good if you need surgery. So by getting plugged in to one really good source, it'll lead to other good sources.... sorta' like when a smart person knows other smart people.

Good luck!


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Here's another good source of info, especially if you find that stuff that works for other people doesn't work for you. For example, the onions and garlic can have negative effects on some people.


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Have you heard of Lufenuron as a treatment for fungal infections,

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well, although I'm a fan of horse paste, I'm not sure about this one.

Lufenuron (Program®) is a chitin synthase inhibitor of the benzoylphenyl urea class.

The precise mechanism of action of lufenuron, a member of the benzoylphenylurea (BPU) class, is not known. However, while it does not directly inhibit chitin synthase, there is evidence that it inhibits the γ-S-GTP stimulated uptake of Ca2+ by chitin microfiber-containing excretory vesicles, disrupting vesicle fusion with the outer cell membrane and cuticle formation in exposed insects.

maybe it will serve scare me enough to nake me stop eating cookies...

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no I have not, but will look it up now! also it sounds like saccharomyces boulardii might be one of those things I used to take and probably need to start again... thanks Frances.

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I've read that it is used as part of a candida protocol breaking down the cell walls of candida.

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thanks Frances! very interesting, even if I don't take it it's good to know about!

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Turn off phone at night into Faraday bag. Rely on batter clock and alarm. Simple stuff. Unplug the router wifi and the computer at night. switch out of LED lights to infra lights (reds not blue light) That's about all you need to know. Work to reduce that EFM. Know where the hot spots are in yr house (if any).... and attempt to addres.

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Red lights, yes, but not infrared for illumination.

Infrared provides *penetration* (hips, knees, spine, muscles) which you don't need in your eyes and it's invisible, anyway.

Dr. Paul Saladino has only red lights after sundown in his Costa Rican home.

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Excellent. Thank you.

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YES!!!! I threw my boob tube away 20+ years ago! DO IT!

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That has been my observation and recommendation for a while. The repetitiveness sinks in Goebbels style even if at a rational level you know it is false.

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I don't think the probleml is watching TV. I think the problem is listening to the lying propaganda spewed by the newsreaders and repeating the b.s.

Since I know the 2 men (cousins of George W. Bush) who got the lucrative demolition job from Silverstein to gut the WTC towers, along with their demolition crew from Upper Darby, PA, I know 911 was planned controlled demolitions. There were no desks, lamps, telephones, toilets, sinks, refrigerators in the building debris post the 911 explosions because all projectiles were removed. The 1st step in demolition is to remove all items and objects which could become projectiles. No office furniture or equipment was in the piles of debris post the demolitions because they were removed before the controlled demolitions. The explosives did not pulverize anything, as some people reported.

There were no planes. If someone said he/she saw a plane at the WTC plaza, he/she is lying. There was an animation of a PVI LVIS (Princeton Virtual Image Live Video Insertion System) plane mixed with program video at CBS control room and at FOX, which was aired. It was NOT a real plane. It was an animated graphic of a plane cued to animate. Setting the shot the director had the operator adjust the show 2 times before air. The parameters of the set show were moved. When the actual animation was executed,The nose of the plane graphic appeared to go through the building. The nose of the plane only appeared to go through the building because it was an graphic image. A real plane nose would have been crushed. by the building. Common sense should have told people it was not a real plane.

The whole STORY WAS MANUFACTURED for Silverstein to make $1.7 billion in INSURANCE. The gutting of to prepare for the PLANNED 911 controlled demolitions for Silverstein. I know there were no did serious

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OMG I might have gone to elementary school with those guys! thanks for the info. So much interesting stuff there !

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They are, indeed, black screens.

Used with the same intent as days of old.

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I do wish that there was some vigilantes that started to take out these billionaires and make it public so that they would hide somewhere in their caves. There must be some kind of worldwide revolution. In Niger, the people finally had enough and rose up even tho it might cost them dearly and they are starting to be joined by other African countries. The Western World has been hijacked by a certain gang. They think that they are chosen and they want to control and own the rest of us.

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I'm hoping Maui fires become a line in sand. But I don't know. I've thought that before - this will do it - and then it doesn't. Something's gotta give.

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There is at least one bright ray of light: Russia and Putin. When the Russians take Kiev and the rest of that sick country, they will expose the bio labs the same khazar perverts established there, the Russians will find a lot of dirt on Biden and his khazar handlers, and hopefully enlighten the world on what these monsters have been up to. Also, if and when they win, Iran and all the other, by us bloodied ME countries will be strengthened and maybe do away with israhell, the most evil place on earth. A hell vortex, as I call it. I am truly worried about Niger and the African people because there are lots of American labs throughout Africa, where they are working on bio-weapons that are designed to attack the African DNA. Kennedy said that there are such weapons already available. None of these horrors had to happen but we are now ruled by them. I pray that soon the Slavik moms that lost their men in the hundreds of thousands because of Zelensky, an other perverted khazar, and his handlers, that these ladies will initiate revenge. And hopefully it will spread world wide and people will be freed these sub-human excrement. Sorry for my rough words.

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I hope you think about it and choose justice over revenge. Revenge is a hateful word which doesn't gain many friends.

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JUSTICE IN THE CURRENT USA DOES NOT EXIST. They know that the population is very soft. This is why they are pushing ever so harder. I am not from such a world and I do believe that once in a while absolute violence is necessary. Like the cop in Las Vegas that got killed on purpose by the two black teens. His guilt? He was a middle aged white man. They laughed about it as they were filming it. Jail is nothing anymore. The only justice is to hang them. This is how a lot of violence could be stopped. Fear of severe punishment is sometimes a much needed medicine. Besides when people sink into such depravity as the monsters burning Laheina or the two teens who murdered a white man, there is no redemption for such people for their souls are already dead. Jesus did not say to turn the other cheek.

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Jesus did say to forgive seventy times seven.

Matthew 18:21-35

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" 22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. "Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.

Even punks can be rehabilitated. It takes time and patience. I admit I don't have that patience. Maybe, the threat of chemical castration would work, but it has to be followed through without exception.

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The problem with these psychos is that they no longer care, as much, if people know what they do. They have insulated themselves from prosecution so they just laugh. Psychos....

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I don't think the "psychos" ever had consciences. I put Hillary at the top of the psycho list.

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It works until God returns and deals with all of it.


Alas, sinful nation,

People weighed down with iniquity,

Offspring of evildoers,

Sons who act corruptly!

They have abandoned the Lord,

They have despised the Holy One of Israel,

They have turned away from Him.

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The children 😔

This is crossing the line. This is murder. This is such pure evil that only our Father God has the proportionate revenge and justice. The children. What kinds of monsters do this? This seems beyond what even the worst of any human would do.

The line has been crossed with this event. I am hanging my American Flag upside down. We are under distress and it's for the foreseeable future. We all need to hang our flags upside down, to at least spark conversation. Anyone whom approaches you, share this post.

And. If you live in one of the Smart Cities they are planning, be ready for anything, especially during fire and storm seasons. If your city is agreeing to be a Smart City, but under duress, pay special attention to wind and lightning. Very recently, electric companies are now protected from litigation from their equipment starting fires. Just like the vaccine companies are protected.

Reinette lists some pieces of wisdom in one of her next posts about the Hilary Hurricane. She speaks of the possibility of fires due to unnatural lightning. The lightning is striking miles from the eye of the storm. Land is tinder dry, covered in geoengineering metals that cause fires to burn fast and furious. Add wind and it's over.

One piece of her advice is to keep wet towels in five gallon buckets to put out any flying embers. Another is always keeping your gas tanks full. Keep Go-Bags ready and by the door, and I'd like to add.one small emergency bag in your vehicle.

Keep your Prayers fresh, your family close and your fear far.

You are protected in the Name of Jesus. We are living in Biblical times.

Fire is now coming from the sky.

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100%. We have to remember: we outnumber them. Billions against thousands. It starts with every one of us NOT COMPLYING in one form or another, every day. Non-compliance examples: refusing to use self-checkout lanes and choosing to support employee-paid positions. Using cash vs. credit card. Declining biometric photos in airports & at theme parks. Refusing to support corporations that are bleeding us dry. Refusing to scan a QR code for services. Refusing to wear a mask for the next scam-demic. Refusing to get our temperature taken. Refusing to use Google/Microsoft/& other big-tech platforms that are part of the digital AI-prison.

On my mind: I think the smart AI surveillance cameras need to go. they're everywhere. The infrastructure has been put into place to control us with ISR with very little effort.

Taxpayers are footing the bill for the 12 military (General Atomics) reaper drones that are now going to be used by the National Guard to surveil us under the guise of "climate change."

These are truly trying times.

If every one of us does SOMETHING, we send out a ripple effect. Try something new every day to resist (and to prepare).

We must dismantle the surveillance to increase our ability to resist as things get worse.

I am so inspired by the protesters in China, cutting down the cameras while holding umbrellas....and by the brave ones in the UK, cutting down the cameras that automatically fine drivers for using a car with higher GHG emissions.

I am inspired by people who talk to strangers about these sensitive topics, who pass flyers and sticker things up with the White Rose stickers...

There are so many ways to spread awareness and to let others know that they can and should be speaking up and standing up NOW, before it's really too late.

This is a war. We don't need to play nice...this is genocide.

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>Important info

> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene

> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180823113613.htm


> #GrapheneOxide #Myeloperoxidase


> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene

> Scientists have discovered that a natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene. These findings could have great implications in the development of graphene-based biomedical devices.

> Myeloperoxidase -- an enzyme naturally found in our lungs -- can biodegrade pristine graphene, according to the latest discovery of Graphene Flagship partners in CNRS, University of Strasbourg (France), Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Among other projects, the Graphene Flagship designs based like flexible biomedical electronic devices that will interfaced with the human body. Such applications require graphene to be biodegradable, so our body can be expelled from the body.

> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180823113613.htm






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Absolutely correct I been screaming about this for a long time , yes they dont even try to disguise it , this is to justify "climate change emergency declarations , lock downs , seizures , and takeovers of all kinds, including food rationing and farm seizures" Apparently Biden has already set this in motion somewhat secretly. Yes Reinette , military was used for many terrible actions in Katrina , I know this from personal testimonies from Katrina survivors, yes some levees were blown intentionally early own. All these major hurricanes for a long time were geoengineered. The revelations on this one are already global , already seen Russian bloggers showing the stuff I sent out early on , they have been caught so now we must stop this or we go extinct.

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you make some very important points- and the main one for me is keep your landline- the only thing that worked- we've seen this repeatedly- obama outlawed the maintainance of landlines- letting the infrastructure fall into disrrepair- and we've had many threats- ongoing- in CA to discontinue landlines altogether

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