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Freedom Under Fire: The REAL ID Threat

With the clock literally ticking, take action now: Strategies for preserving your privacy and autonomy.

Today, we're diving deep into the murky waters of everyday government overreach and surveillance, focusing on a topic that's been flying under the radar for far too long: the REAL ID.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Twila Brase from the Citizens Council for Health Freedom. Within our conversation, she reveals the methodology and purpose of the REAL ID and how we can prevent it from being fully implemented. Because the REAL ID is fast approaching, those in power are attempting to codify it. We're talking about a stealthy power grab that's been in the works since 2005, masquerading as a simple ID update but packing the potential to turn our lives into an open book for Big Brother.

This is a California REAL ID. If you have it, get rid of it. If you don’t have it, never get one…. and tell your friends and family to do the same.


Forget what you've heard about the REAL ID being just about air travel. That's the sugar coating on a very bitter pill. As Twila explained, this seemingly innocuous piece of plastic could become your ticket to... well, everything. From buying a gun to opening a bank account, going online, shopping, getting a job, getting a loan, and traveling — all at the whim of an unelected bureaucrat in Homeland Security. Talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse!


Now, I know what you're thinking: “What can we do? They've got us cornered!"

We've got options, and it's time to flex those constitutional muscles:

1. Don't Get a REAL ID: This is your first line of defense. Stick with your current driver's license and get a passport if you need to fly.

2. Speak Up: The comment period for the new REAL ID rules ends on Tuesday, October 15th. Click the link below, and let your voice be heard. The key message? "REAL ID is unconstitutional!"

3. Educate Others: Spread the word about the true nature of REAL ID. Be an example for others, and remember, knowledge is power, folks. Spread it like wildfire.

4. Know Your Rights: If you're driving, remember the distinction between "driving" (commercial) and "traveling" (constitutional right). It might just come in handy.

5. Stay Independent: The less you rely on systems that require ID verification, the more freedom you maintain.


REAL ID DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 15th!!

NOTE: The proposed rule was issued with only a 30-day comment period during a very heated election season. scheduled a TWO-DAY SHUTDOWN right before the last two days to comment!! So get your comments in sooner rather than later!

Click the link below, then once on the page, click “Document Comments” on the right to see the nearly 4,000 comments to date; then, to add your own comment, click the “Comment” button to the left:



Now, let's talk about our friends at the TSA. Here's how to dance through their checkpoints without losing your dignity (or your rights):

Use Alternative ID—Remember, again, you don't need a REAL ID to fly. A passport or other compliant ID will do just fine.

Opt for Pat-Downs- If you don’t like radiating your body with dangerous millimeter wave body scanners, you can request a pat-down instead.

See this image below? Stop doing that if you haven’t already. Those machines create cancer clusters among TSA employees and are microwaving your body as you go through!

See this? Stop doing that!

Give Yourself Time—The TSA likes to take its time (especially with women) to pat you down, so give yourself an extra 20-30 minutes for the opt-out process.

Know What's Required- Familiarize yourself with TSA regulations to avoid unnecessary hassles. Know your rights because you have them!

Stay Calm and Assertive- Remember those rights and exercise them politely but firmly.

Ultimately, this is about more than just an ID card and saying no to dangerous millimeter waves. It's about drawing a line in the sand and saying, "Thus far and no further." We've seen time and again how small concessions lead to big losses of liberty. It's time to stand our ground.

So, buckle up and dig in. The road to preserving our freedoms might be bumpy, but with 110 million Americans still holding out against REAL ID, we're in good company. Let's keep that number growing and show them we won't be corralled into their digital pen.

Stay vigilant, stay free, and keep fighting the good fight!

PS. This comes from a commenter, below. Go to this link, print out this card, and if you need it at the TSA, whip this out:


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