Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express
Conscious Compass
The Cosmic Game, Pt 1: Understanding Our Role in the Grand Design

The Cosmic Game, Pt 1: Understanding Our Role in the Grand Design

In the beginning was the Word - an Illuminati insider's confessions on Yahweh, Lucifer, bloodlines, and our odyssey through a labyrinth of lies.

PLEASE NOTE: This audio podcast is a reading of my post below.

In a world spiraling out of control, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the unfathomable chaos surrounding us. I feel my role is not to add to the confusion but rather to inform, clarify, and provide context to help you better navigate these tumultuous times.

With that in mind, I've prepared a thought-provoking multi-part series designed to shed light on the hidden forces shaping our reality. This series is not about politics or polarization; it's about understanding our roles as spiritual beings in a world that seems to have lost its way. It is not through physical battles but by expanding our spiritual awareness that we will ultimately prevail in this war for our minds and souls.

Many years ago, I stumbled upon a 60-page interview with a self-proclaimed deep insider known as "Hidden Hand." This eye-opening conversation rattled my brain and has stuck with me ever since. In a time of societal breakdown, cruel leadership, and unjust actions, I believe it's more important than ever to share this information with you.

As we witness the collapse of the world as we know it, we must open our minds to hidden possibilities and unknown truths. This series is designed to help you see the playing field clearly and understand your role in this Great Play.

I invite you to approach this series with an open mind and a willingness to question everything you thought you knew. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind.

In Part 1, we will explore the concept of "The Word" and how language shapes our perception of reality. Get ready to have your mind expanded and your assumptions challenged.

With that, let’s begin with Part 1. In the Beginning Was the Word……

John 1:1-14 NIV. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

According to Hidden Hand, an Illuminati insider (2008 interview):

In the Beginning, there is the Infinite One, the source of All That Is, encompassing infinite consciousness, intelligence, and energy. This unity contains the potential for all creation. Infinite intelligence represents the central heartbeat of life, while infinite energy is the spiritual lifeblood that flows from the Creator to form the creation.

The One Infinite Creator focuses its infinite intelligence to manifest intelligent energy, known as the great central sun. This energy then divides into smaller portions, each becoming a creator or central sun, beginning the next step in the creational spiral. Each central sun or creator represents a step down in conscious awareness from the original "thought" of creation.


Creation is founded upon three primary laws of the Infinite One: free will, love, and light. Through free will, the Creator experiences itself as an individuated yet unified aspect of the One. Love, or Logos, becomes a focus point of awareness, using its infinite intelligent energy to co-create diverse physical manifestations for self-knowledge. Light, the third law, manifests this spiritual energy into physical form, with love and divine intelligent energy at its core.

Using free will, the One Infinite Creator becomes a Logos, designing vast universes and splitting itself into sub-Logos, each co-creating its own universe.


For Plato and Aristotle, Logos meant a "law of being" and "principle of logic.” Stoic philosophers identified the Logos as the divine power directing the universe, sometimes equated with God, providence, or the soul of the world.

Now, do you understand the power of corporate logos and symbolism? The Word and its symbolism have been co-opted.

Stoic philosophers believed that the path to happiness and fulfillment is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself, not allowing oneself to be controlled by the desire for pleasure or fear of pain, using one's mind to understand the world and to do one's part in nature's plan, and working together and treating others fairly and justly.

Stoic philosophers were adherents and teachers of Stoicism, a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium around 300 BC.

They developed and propagated Stoicism as a practical philosophy for achieving wisdom, self-control, and inner peace through the cultivation of reason and virtue. Their teachings had a profound impact and are still influential today.

Some key points about Stoic philosophers:

  • Notable Stoic philosophers included Zeno, Cleanthes, Chrysippus, Panaetius, Posidonius, Seneca, Musonius Rufus, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. They came from diverse backgrounds - some were slaves, others emperors.

  • The Stoics emphasized ethics as the main focus of human knowledge, though logic and natural science were also part of their teachings.

  • Stoic philosophers aimed to live in accordance with reason and virtue, to achieve a state of inner peace and equanimity known as ataraxia, which they saw as the highest good in life.

  • They taught that external events are beyond our control, but individuals have the freedom to choose their attitude and response and should focus on what is within their power - their own thoughts, judgments, and actions.

  • Stoicism was an influential philosophy in the Greco-Roman world and had a revival in the Renaissance and modern times. The Stoic philosophers left a legacy of writings and teachings that continue to be studied and practiced.

Imagine if we all began practicing Stoicism en masse — the immediate and beneficial changes this would create.

Could it possibly be this simple?

On a much grander scale, each universal Logos focuses its intelligent energy on creating galaxies, while galactic Logos can further divide into sub-sub-Logos, designing stars and planets as their own expressions of physical reality.

Hidden Hand claims that ancient forces are manipulating world events in line with a destined plan that serves their ends while exploiting humanity's unawareness, complacency, and selfishness. Gaining true knowledge and taking action against injustice are implied as ways to break free of this control.

You are complicit in your inaction every time you look the other way when you see an injustice. Your thought, projected at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Infinite Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose. It is very important to us that the polarization of this planet is negative at the time of the great harvest. That means service to self orientated, as opposed to positive, service to others. We require a negative harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal.

The “great harvest” referenced seems to be an important large event dependent on Earth's negative polarization or death as we know it in this current physical form.


According to Hidden Hand, he is part of the ruling bloodline family (also known as the Black Nobility) that has been directing world events from behind the scenes since ancient times. There are 13 core bloodlines with many offshoots, and family members are extensively trained from childhood in military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership, and sciences.

Many refer to this bloodline as the Illuminati or the "New World Order.” However, this is a misnomer in that it is the same “Old World Order.” It’s nothing new, simply more of the same.

The term "New World Order", just like the term "Illuminati", has been used by at least two different groups, meaning basically two different things:

1) A goal to put an end to the current Order (called "The Old World Order" OWO), which is considered evil and anti-survival, and therefore the current power elite needs to be overthrown and their Old World Order to be destroyed and replaced with a benevolent "New World Order." The goal is a humanity-friendly One World Government…..

THIS group calling themselves "The Illuminati", want to replace the current Old World Order (the Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc.) with a benevolent New World Order, where people are no longer slaves to this Power Elite.


2) A goal to create a micro-chipped society, so that they more easily maintain the current Order that they have created throughout the millennia. This is the "New World Order" the Bush's, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others are supporting and working on maintaining. This is also the "New World Order."

Just like in the case with the term "Illuminati", this second group has confused researchers and truth seekers by using the basically benevolent term "New World Order" for their negative and malevolent goals. This has made it harder for the Resistance to operate, because both "The Illuminati" and the "New World Order" have been used as a propaganda for the Dark Side and everything connected to these two terms now are perceived as negative.

If we really look at it, it's nothing "new" with what this Power Elite officially calls the "New World Order," but no more than an effort to hold on to the Old World Order they have already created.

Humanity is seen as pawns to be maneuvered according to a greater plan, with the bloodline families playing their appointed roles as destined by the Infinite Creator. True freedom comes from understanding why we incarnate on Earth.

In a hypnotized state, humanity has consented to the current negative state of the planet through their thoughts and inaction in the face of injustice. This service-to-self orientation is helping the ruling families achieve their goal of a negative harvest in an upcoming "great harvest" event.

Hidden Hand states the family's rise to power was by intelligent design rather than chance, with their path being appointed and accepted, not chosen. To truly understand the truth, one must study creation outside the standard frame of thinking.

According to Hidden Hand, humanity was not directly created by the One Infinite Creator, but rather by various sub-Logos or planetary creators. Earth's creator, known as Yahweh, is a "sub-sub-Logos" and not the one true God. Yahweh is the planetary Logos for Earth, but ultimately, all are part of the One Infinite Creator and exercise free will to create, whether consciously or unconsciously.


Hidden Hand claims his ruling bloodline family can be traced back to antiquity. Their creator is Lucifer, "the Light Bearer," a sixth-density group soul that is not the Devil as portrayed in religious texts.

Right to left: the 1797 painting Satan Summoning His Legions, the Statue of Liberty, and Columbia Studio’s iconic “Torch Lady”

The “Light Bearer’s” presence can be seen hidden everywhere in modern life.

At one point, the Lucifer sixth-density group soul was on the verge of seventh-density ascension but chose to return to help lower-density beings with their evolution, as assigned by the Council of Elders, the guardians of the galaxy.

Yahweh's planet made little evolutionary progress because he had not handed down the knowledge of free will to allow for polarity and choice. Earth was an Edenic (as in the Garden of Eden) paradise, but the beings incarnating there had no motivation to evolve beyond the third density.

So, down came Lucifer. He was sent, with Yahweh's agreement, to introduce free will as a catalyst for change.

Yahweh agreed that we would introduce the concept of free will to Earth's inhabitants by offering them an initial choice. This was symbolized by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, with Yahweh forbidding it to create the desire for the one thing denied and Lucifer advising humanity of the benefits of attaining knowledge (or, more accurately, the knowledge of polarity – of positive and negative).

When humanity chose to follow Lucifer's advice, Yahweh became angry, as a jealous God whose children had disobeyed him. However, Lucifer was committed to providing the negative polarity option to serve as a catalyst for human evolution.

That’s where we are today, and we are in the thick of it.

Since the earliest times, the Lucifer group soul has been directing the play from behind the scenes, born to lead as part of the paradigm design. People are seen as pawns maneuvered on a chessboard, but….

Hidden Hand claims many of them do not mean harm, knowing humans are divine souls learning who they really are, with a divine destiny to uphold and unfold.

The narrative presented by Hidden Hand about humanity's place in the cosmos and the hidden forces shaping our reality is indeed a game-changer. It challenges us to question the very nature of our existence and the purpose behind the struggles and challenges we face as a species. If we accept this perspective, it becomes clear that we are not mere pawns in a random, meaningless universe, but rather participants in a grand cosmic game designed to catalyze our spiritual evolution.


Ultimately, Hidden Hand’s message is profound: we must wake up to the true nature of "the game" and make a conscious choice to transcend the material realm and its illusions of control.

By recognizing the divine spark within ourselves and all beings, we can rise above the polarities of good and evil, negative and positive, and embrace a higher perspective of unity and oneness. This is not an easy path, as it requires letting go of our attachments to material power, wealth, and status. But it is the only way forward if we wish to break free from the cycle of manipulation and suffering and align ourselves with the greater cosmic purpose.

In the end, it is up to each one of us to decide whether we will continue to play by the rules of a rigged game or whether we will have the courage to step into our true power as co-creators of our reality.

The choice is ours, and the stakes could not be higher.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 of The Cosmic Game series.



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